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Plant Sale



Spring Plant Sale:

The Spring Plant Sale takes place the first Saturday in May at the First United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall at 702 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. We offer a variety of native plants, tomatoes, vegetables, and houseplants including cacti, succulents, and tropicals.    All proceeds from the sale support Plattsmouth Garden Club's community service projects.

Fall Plant Sale:

The Plattsmouth Garden Club has a Perennial Plant Sale

in connection with Flower Show during the Plattsmouth Harvest Festival.  Proceeds from the sale support the Plattsmouth Garden Club's many community projects.  Items 

are flower pots, perennials, and gently used garden items.  One never knows what treasures one may find at the Plattsmouth Garden Clubs Plant Sales!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            




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