Plattsmouth Garden Club
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Rocky Mountain Region
Youth Programs
Children and youth are welcome to attend all Plattsmouth Garden Club's meetings, tours and other activities. We garden together!
Flower Show
Poetry Contest
Sculpture Contest
PGC Flower Show (September)
Children up to but not including age 12 may participate.
The following classes may be entered by the child:
Class 1- Arrangement
A. Fresh
B. Dried
Class 2 - Specimens (cut flowers grown by child
Class 3 - Horticulture (potted plants grown by child)
All Flower Show rules will be followed. Judging will be by an accredited Flower Show Judge.All participants will receive a ribbon which include blue 1st place, red 2nd place, yellow 3rd place or white honorable mention. Rosette ribbons will be given to the Best Arrangement, Best Specimen, Best Horticulture and Best of Show.
National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC) sponsers a variety of contests. The Plattsmouth Garden Club supports children in the Plattsmouth public schools for the Poetry and Sculpture Contest and will sponsor any youth who wishes to participate in a NGC contest.
You may contact the Plattsmouth Garden Club through their e-mail address: